In our order all members are brothers on equal terms. Even though personally they are high initiated and masters of their respective orders, in our bosom, they must behave as brothers who only distinguish themselves by the radiation of their inner light, their aura, their wisdom.

Before affiliation just register on our website as visitor by the link below:

Register yourself
You can opt for social Login only by clicking on the social Network icon of your choice and you do not need to fill in the registration fields!

Note: When you sign up as a visitor you will have access to our visitors ‘ forum, where you can take all your questions before you even join our community as a corresponding member.

You must have the full majority of your country’s current law.

-Affiliation mode after registration-

Corresponding Member: It is part of the community of light. The visitor who fills out the affiliation form is called a corresponding member, receives a series of lessons that constitutes a part of the syllabus hermeticae of our order, through the answer of the questionnaire that you will find at the end of each, you can continue Receiving our lessons until the syllabus 021.

To proceed with the studies will be necessary the “Vinculo” with a circle or an active Lucis store of our order (when there is not one in your region, you can ask any of our stores), after answering the Special initiation request questionnaire Found in syllabus 012, with this “bond”, received the title of “Brother Intimo” and will have access to further studies and may ask for initiation in one of our stores. 

OBS: The affiliation is free and will receive through Download the teachings of our order. If you have a computer problem to receive the lessons, be sure to communicate with the secretariat of your region.