With the firm belief that man needs more spirituality is that a group of brothers from the beginning, almost without realizing, to an experiment of spiritual awareness: the community of the Fraters Lucis. A group of brothers United by identical feelings of Universal Brotherhood feel the call to build a community that was composed of brothers and sisters of many traditions, no matter what order or fraternity were affiliated. A brother formed her and prepared her birth; Other brothers raised the flag, taking the daring to draw a route on which to design our esoteric growth, so on 23 July 2000 this uprising gave rise to the foundation of ORDO fraters Lucis (modern).

When it was founded the ORDO Fraters Lucis or order of the Brothers of the light, it was not a reference to the Illuminati order of Adam Weishaup founded in 1776. It was inspired by the Florentine order of the Brothers of the Light, founded in 1498, as a secret continuation of the Platonic Academy of Marcelo Ficcino.

This order is not affiliated with the material plan to any order or fraternity initiatory, although on the spiritual level we share the high ideals of esoteric orders and fraternities, such as Rosicrucianism, Martinism and Freemasonry.

In particular, this order is formed by initiates of many orders and fraternities. But they can also sign up for free people and good customs, even if they are not members of any order or fraternity, whenever they accept the ethical norm of the lucis.

The School of Mysteries called the Order of the "Fraters Lucis" or "Order of the Brothers of the Light". In Latin, it's the ORDO fraters Lucis. This order, like every initiatory order, has its temples (shops) that are physical meeting places of its members. The incorporation of one of them requires the respective initiation in the first degree of the Ordo fraters Lucis, and the material sustenance of the said temple is like any other material organization, but in this case, the quotas are fixed by each store independently, not due No contribution to the order, that is, will only be for the sustenance of its structure and materials.

No member shall pay any dues for their affiliation to the order of the Lucis. Our knowledge is transmitted through the Akashic archives of the Internet, or are delivered in a personal way by a student who has the lessons, to another student who does not have them because they do not have access to the Internet. Our order is not a site or commercial site. We do not sell our lessons, and the possibility of sending them over the Internet, makes it unnecessary to cover printing and editing costs.

Our teachings belong to many orders, fraternities and schools, because they are universal teachings. The center of the teachings of the ORDO fraters Lucis Modern, in concomitance with the teachings of its predecessors of 1498, is to restore in the world the teachings of our Master JESUS Christ.

All this develops in the doctrine contained in our series of lessons or SYLLABUS, which are Christians in the esoteric sense. And for that we studied the works of esoteric Christianity of the Magister Lucis Eckarsthausen. This route will have weekly stop, in which you will receive a SYLLABUS HERMETICAE, composed of ethical and philosophical teachings of our order on the Internet.

We'll move forward by joining forces. The brothers who come to us will have more material at their disposal and the fruit of a detailed map. We, who advance on unknown terrain, will have to confront ourselves with unprecedented situations.